Spathiphyllum dominos
Spathiphyllum dominos
Spathiphyllum dominos
Spathiphyllum dominos

Spathiphyllum dominos

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 Peace Lily 'Domino' is a variegated variety of Spathiphyllum, meaning unlike the more common all green Spathiphyllum, 'Domino' has swathes of white throughout its leaves. If you want a unique, easy going plant, look no further than Spathiphyllum 'Domino'! Spathiphyllum 'Domino' is nearly identical in terms of care to its all green counterpart. It's easy care and forgiving nature make it ideal for beginning plant parents, or the plant lover who wants something that doesn't need much attention. Whichever you may be we've got all the info you'll need here to take care of your Spathiphyllum 'Domino'!



Peace lily Sensation tolerates low light but prefers moderate to bright light. Direct sunlight, however, will burn its delicate leaves if exposed for a long time. Meaning that north-facing windows are great for Peace Lily but their growth will be slowed down because of the low-light conditions.

On the other side, the best light condition for your Peace Lily is next to the east, south, or west-facing window if the light is filtered or a few feet away to avoid the direct sun. In those conditions, your Peace Lily will bloom easily and will grow quicker.


Peace Lily likes to drink a lot of water and it will tell you when it's thirsty because its leaves will droop a bit. If you don't want to let your plant be in the limit, make sure to water it every time the 2 top inches are dry.

As a more concrete indication, if your Peace Lily is placed in a north-facing window or in low-light conditions you must water it around once per week even though you can make sure to check the humidity of the soil with the finger method (deep your finger into the soil).

On the other hand, if your Peace Lily is placed in a bright light environment or a east, south or west/facing window, you might end up watering twice per week depending on how good the soil drains the water.

Cut back watering in the cooler months to give the plant a chance to rest and go semi-dormant. And don’t leave him sitting with water in the drip tray.


Peace Lilies do well in average humidity conditions, but they will be super happy if you increase the humidity by misting its leaves, grouping it with other plants or using a humidifier.


Peace Lily doesn't need fertilization in order to thrive well, as far as you repot it once every year or two in order to give to it new nutrients with the new soil. Both things will provide your Peace Lily with macro and micronutrients that will improve their growth and blooming.

In case you want to maximize its growth, feed it during the growing season (spring and summer) using a 20-20-20 fertilizer.

If you notice the tips of the leaves and blooms turning brown, you’ve probably over-fertilized, so reduce the amount of fertilization and make sure you are using a slow-release fertilization.


Plants are shipped in 4” pot. Includes detailed care instructions. 

The plants require special pre-shipping preparation, and ship within 3-5 business days. You'll receive a shipping notification email with tracking when your order ships

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