How to cancel or edit my order?
If you need to update shipping address information or special instructions on your order, simply email our support team! We'll get it taken care of for you.
You're able to directly edit or cancel your order for about 24 hours after placing it. Do do this, open your order confirmation email and click the "Cancel or Edit Your Order" button, which will open the modify order page. You can also access the modify order page from the Order Status page (the last screen in checkout) and from your Account.
- To Cancel your order – select the "Cancel Order" button which will cancel your order and refund you.
- To Edit your order – select the "Edit Order" button, which will first void your original order and refund you. You'll then be taken to your shopping cart where you can modify its contents. You'll then need to checkout again to order the new items.
If we've already begun processing your order, you won't be able to cancel or edit it directly. Please reach out to our support team for further assistance and we'll be happy to assist you!
Please note, if you have already received a shipping confirmation, you won't be able to cancel or edit your order.